Hi Matthieu,
Thanks for your response. I had a look at Use case 2 in API guide, but it provides more of a logical representation of how would Change order in such a case would look like.
There are examples provided in notification sections. But, my question concerns reusability of Product instance under different ProductOrderItems (which seems to be not allowed per TMF 622 Resource Model because of composition relationship provided above).
A Product is a product offering procured by a customer or other interested party playing a party role.
Which means that once bought by a customer, its identifier should not change and any subsequent changes to it (in scope of change orders) should act on the same Product (i.e. Product instance with same identifier). This is typically the case in any Telco implementation.
My question pertains to how is this basic use case realized right from New Provide order till change order for a simple product. Couldn't find a single point of reference where such illustration on use of the API is provided in TMF 622 Product Order document.
Varun Pandhi
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 26, 2024 13:26
From: Matthieu Hattab
Subject: TMF 622: Change Order making changes to existing Product
TMF APIs are not products of TM Forum. So you don't get support besides the goodwill of this community. It might be better to contact your BSS vendor that supplied this API.
I don't know nor use this API but your scenario is rather straightforward and all Order API I have seen behave the same way: in a nutshell what you ask should not be supported.
I would recommend you read the API guide, especially use case 2, which provides, from what I understand, the exact same scenario than yours: change a characteristic value of a active product specification stored in the product inventory.
a payload example for use case 2 is also provided somewhere in the document, so you can see what the order actually looks like.
but from experience, I've never seen a situation where the Product
is referenced on more than one Order Line. if you do, you would have the risk of having 2 different "action" values on the same product
My 2 cents,
Kind regards,
Matthieu Hattab
Lyse Platform
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 26, 2024 00:58
From: Varun Pandhi
Subject: TMF 622: Change Order making changes to existing Product
Hi all,
Can anyone please help with above?
Varun Pandhi
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 20, 2024 09:45
From: Varun Pandhi
Subject: TMF 622: Change Order making changes to existing Product
Hi all,
While going through API documentation for TMF 622 Product Order we were thinking of how could scenarios like change of Product characteristic value be supported from TMF 622 resource model perspective.
Lets take an example for a New Provide order with below instance model -

For change order scenario, we could have below instance model -

If we look at TMF 622 Product Ordering API User guide, we could observe a composition relationship from ProductOrderItem to Product/ProductRef.