I'm not sure that ProductOfferingTerm was intended for use in predicting the delivery duration - the term is normally intended to indicate a time or duration that the customer is obligated to keep the Product (or some other term that governs the use of the product).
Koen is right that a catalog indication would only be a preliminary estimate; especially for complex products the actual time needed would arise from business rules, site surveys, and more.
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 21, 2023 07:35
From: Koen Peeters
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hi Mahmoud,
The assumption is that the the productOrder is planned using expected durations in the ProductCatalog. The ProductOffering has a property productOfferingTerm that can be used to model the expected durations.
But obviously the business rules could be more complex and include input from Appointment, ServiceOrder, ResourceOrder, WorkOrder, ShippingOrder.
If a detailed planning is required from one of the production domains, this information should come from the Orders in the production domain.
Like @Jonathan Goldberg indicated these detailed plannings probably require extensions of catalogs with further terms to model these expected durations. In the production domains there could be further restrictions based on availability of resources, holidays, ...
I don't think the full end to end view was already considered by the OpenAPI team.
Koen Peeters
OryxGateway FZ LLC
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 21, 2023 05:17
From: Ethar Mahmoud
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hello @Koen Peeters & @Jonathan Goldberg
We're currently trying to honor the requestedStartDate during the order fulfilment from TMFC003 POOM (product Order orchestration & Management).
In order to start the execution of the delivery, we need to identify the expected duration for the delivery of each service (especially if they're fulfilled by different delivery backend), from this duration and according to the dependency between each order item we should be able to send different fulfilment requests to honor the requested start date.
I expected to find this information in the ServiceCatalog but couldn't find an attribute to serve this purpose.
How can the above be fulfilled?
Thanks for your help,
Ethar Mahmoud
Orange Egypt
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2022 15:19
From: Koen Peeters
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hi Filippo,
The execution of order will always take a certain amount of time to complete.
It makes sense therefore to timestamp the execution of the order with a startDate and a completionDate.
The customer typically has certain requirements around the execution of this order. He can indicate this by providing an requestedStartDate, potentially alligned with the start of his rental agreement since access to the building is not possible before this or an requestedCompletionDate because he requires the telecom service to be functioning before this date.
Not everything that is requested by a customer is actually achievable. When the service provider receives the order on the orderDate, he will plan the order. At the end of this planning exercise, he will populate the expectedStartDate and expectedCompletionDate. Depending on the policy of the service provider these expected dates can be communicated (or not) as a commitment to the customer.
All these different timestamps can be used to calculate perfomance metrics of the order process.
I hope this explanation is helpfull.
Best Regards
Koen Peeters
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2022 12:43
From: Filippo Roberto Valeriani
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hi Jonathan,
thanks for the feedback. So according to it, what is the difference with the field "requestedCompletionDate"?
Filippo Roberto Valeriani
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2022 11:22
From: Jonathan Goldberg
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hi Filippo
This is the date at which the end customer wants to be able to use the product. For example, let's suppose she is moving house on 4 Feb 2022, she would want the move (change address) order to take place on that day, presumably.
The CSP may or not be able to commit to the requested date, and may work instead with a due date, presumably no earlier than the requested date, and is a firm commitment.
When planning provisioning activities (in Service/Resource domain), the CSP would need to start the operations so as to complete them (including billing/charging notification) on the requested or due date.
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2022 08:50
From: Filippo Roberto Valeriani
Subject: TMF 622 - requestedStartDate
Hi all,
i have a doubt about the filed "requestedStartDate" on the TMF 622 - Product Order. Specifically in the description i read this: "A date time (DateTime). Order fulfillment start date wished by the requestor. This is used when, for any reason, requestor cannot allow seller to begin to operationally begin the fulfillment before a date."
Is it refer to the date to end the order fulfillment (e.g. tariff activated or Handset received from the End User) or to the date to begin the operations needed to complete the order?
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
Filippo Roberto Valeriani