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  • 1.  TMF 696 Risk Management API: CreditGamingRisk

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 11, 2023 04:29

    Hello members,

    Does anyone know what CreditGamingRisk mean in a real-life scenario. Other risk types enumerated in TMF696 were pretty evident. However, I have never heard of CreditGamingRisk (PartyRole predicted to engage in credit gaming) Does it refer to online gaming or gambling in any way? And how would it impact the service provider? Any pointers are much appreciated.

    Sameer Bohra
    CGI Info Systems Management Consulting Inc.

  • 2.  RE: TMF 696 Risk Management API: CreditGamingRisk

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 16, 2023 06:16
    Edited by Jonathan Goldberg May 16, 2023 06:16

    Hi Sameer
    Thanks for your question.
    The risk types are based on real experience encountered by the cVidya Business Assurance group within Amdocs (who contributed this API to TMF). The CSP needs to account for the various perceived risks when engaging in relationships with parties and/or orders that are perceived to be risky. If a PartyRole is predicted to spend a lot of money on games, that may affect their ability to pay for services in the future.
    Hope it helps

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: TMF 696 Risk Management API: CreditGamingRisk

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jun 15, 2023 16:44

    Thank you Jonathan

    Sameer Bohra
    CGI Info Systems Management Consulting Inc.

  • 4.  RE: TMF 696 Risk Management API: CreditGamingRisk

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 16, 2023 06:36

    Credit gaming refers to instances where customers or third parties engage in deceptive practices to obtain undeserved credits. An example would be when a customer falsely claims that their data connection is not functioning properly, seeking a refund or credit despite the absence of a legitimate issue. These fraudulent attempts exploit the system's goodwill and can lead to unwarranted financial adjustments.

    Gadi Solotorevsky
    Amdocs Management Limited

  • 5.  RE: TMF 696 Risk Management API: CreditGamingRisk

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jun 15, 2023 16:44

    Appreciate it Gadi

    Sameer Bohra
    CGI Info Systems Management Consulting Inc.