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  • 1.  TMF 697 - WorkOrderManagement v4/v5 questions

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 09, 2024 04:55
    Edited by Frederic Thise Jan 09, 2024 09:49

    Hi Guys,

    We are investigating the 2 beta versions of the TMF697 API and noticed some discrepancies (especially in v5) compared, for example, to TMF641:

    1. externalReference is missing at WorkOrder level (only extrenalId is there).
    2. orderCharacteristic is also missing from WorkOrder.

    As a general issue, fields request parameter (for field selection) is missing from v5 retrieve operations (at least for TMF641 and TMF697) while it's present in list/create and patch operations. fields is also missing from TMF697 v4 retrieve.

    Best regards,

    Frederic Thise
    Proximus SA

  • 2.  RE: TMF 697 - WorkOrderManagement v4/v5 questions

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 10, 2024 17:09

    Hi Frederic

    regarding fields, I see in an API I'm generating in v5 that tooling put the fields for the retrive operation (GET by id). So I think this issue may be solved in the API generation tooling for v5.


    Olivier Arnaud

  • 3.  RE: TMF 697 - WorkOrderManagement v4/v5 questions

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 11, 2024 05:31

    Hi Olivier,

    fields is an explicit request parameter in the APIs so it should be declared in the yaml.

    I checked some other v5 APIS like TMF638/640 and TMF 640 retrieveService contains the fields request parameter. This means there is indeed a discrepancy in the v5 APIs for this field:

    TMF640 extract:

            - service
          summary: Retrieves a Service by ID
          description: >-
            This operation retrieves a Service entity. Attribute selection enabled for all first level
          operationId: retrieveService
            - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Id'
            - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Fields'

    TMF638 extract:

            - service
          summary: Retrieves a Service by ID
          description: List or find Service objects
          operationId: retrieveService
            - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Id'

    Best regards,

    Frederic Thise
    Proximus SA

  • 4.  RE: TMF 697 - WorkOrderManagement v4/v5 questions

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 16, 2024 08:37

    Hi guys,

    I also noticed that the standard errorMessage property (at Order level -> in this case WorkOrder) is missing from the TMF697 APIs.

    As a WorkOrder can have the state 'failed', we also need a way to store the errors...

    Can the changes/fixes I requested be part of the next update of the v5 API?

    Does someone know who is the lead for this API?

    Best regards,

    Frederic Thise
    Proximus SA

  • 5.  RE: TMF 697 - WorkOrderManagement v4/v5 questions

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Jan 16, 2024 09:20

    Hi Frederic

    maybe I was not clear. What I see is that the API tooling add automatically the "fields" attribute on all new v5 API. So I think this will be solved when an API is migrated in v5.


    Olivier Arnaud