Hi Anilkumar
In v4.2 (not yet published) and v5 (published in beta) we clarified this, it now reads:
Specifies if the value of this characteristic is unique across all entities instantiated from the specification that uses this characteristc. For example, consider a ProductSpecification for a set-top box, with a CharacteristicSpecification cardID. Each set-top box must have a different value for cardID, so this isUnique attribute would be set to true for the characteristic.
In other words, isUnique can be used to say if the characteristic value acts as a primary key, as in my example for cardID
Hope it helps
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 27, 2023 04:08
From: Anilkumar Indrakanti
Subject: TMF620 - isUnique in ProductSpecificationCharacteristic
What is the significance of the isUnique attribute in ProductSpecificationCharacteristic? In the spec version v4.1.0, it is written as
A boolean. An indicator that specifies if a value is unique for the specification. Possible values are "unique while value is in effect" and "unique whether value is in effect or not". |
But I couldn't understand this? Can somebody clarify it little more detail.
Anilkumar Indrakanti
Oracle Corporation