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  • 1.  TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 30, 2023 17:00


    We are looking to implement pricing dependent on ProductSpecificationCharacteristics. For ex. Data volume = 500 Mb, has a recurring charge of 5$, for 1 GB Data volume recurring charge of 10$ and so on…

    Our earlier understanding was that we could achieve this by defining policy rules. However, on further examining the V5 specification of the TMF620, we found that:

    The ProductOfferingPrice entity can be associated to a ProductSpecificationCharacteristic of the corresponding ProductSpecification.  

    Query: Are we correct in assuming, that the intended use case for associating the " ProductSpecificationCharacteristic" to the "ProductOfferingPrice" entity is to manage use case  listed above?

    Also, in case our understanding is correct, would you recommend using the POP->PSCharacteristic association, over policy rules? (This would greatly simplify the definition of different charges, rather than creating an additional object of policy rule for the end user/CSR executive)


    Olivier Arnaud

  • 2.  RE: TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 31, 2023 07:21

    Salut Olivier,

    You can use Policy (I'm myself investigating for a policy software component) if you want 100% of pricing rules to be managed in a single entity.
    but in this case, the TM Forum recommendation is to use the "valueuse" pattern, which allows you to associate a POP with a characteristic or a characteristic/value pair.

    Outside Telecom, we typically call this "attribute-based pricing".

    You should definitely check this community, we have talked about it (inlcuding its limitation, possible improvement like variant pricing), search for "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicValueUse"

    Here is an example of how we use it today for digital sales:

    business view of the offer:

    and this is what the TMF620 API returns (GET) when I query the default price
    (In the interest of comprehension, I simplified the JSON)

        "id": "POP0001",
        "priceType": "recurring",
        "price": {
            "unit": "NOK",
            "value": 779
        "prodSpecCharValueUse": [
                "name": "Bandwidth",
                "id": "PPSCVU0050",
                "@type": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicValueUse",
                "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
            "isDefault": true,
                        "key": "100_100",
                        "value": "100/100 Mbit/s",
                        "@type": "CharacteristicValueSpecification"
                        "isDefault": false,
                        "key": "150_150",
                        "value": "150/150 Mbit/s",
                        "@type": "CharacteristicValueSpecification"
        "productSpecification": {
            "id": "FIBPS0002",
            "name": "Fiber Broadband ProdSpec",
            "@type": "ProductSpecificationRef"

    If you model an offer with a single ProductSpecificationCharacteristicValueUse, there are other options to explore.

    This is available in the V4 API spec, policy is available from V5.

    hope this helps!

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Platform

  • 3.  RE: TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 01, 2023 09:06

    Hello Matthieu,

    Please i need tour support regarding a product catalog TMF API spec. how can a channel fetch product using TMF620 and only get the product details rather getting all the other details in the API which is not useful for them. for example, what channels want to see is just (Product Name, Product ID, Price and Validity). Thank you.

    Ola Olagoke
    MTN Nigeria

  • 4.  RE: TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 12, 2023 12:58

    Hi Matthieu

    thanks, it's very clear.

    best regards


    Olivier Arnaud

  • 5.  RE: TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 14, 2023 01:06

    Thanks Matthieu for your exposition. I am not convinced that the current POP model is the most efficient way to express price variations for characteristic values, especially if there are multiple dimensions for price. Policy can certainly be used for this (in v5), but also that leads to complexity. I would like to see a simpler representation for price variation with characteristics. I may be able to devote some time to this after we've calmed down from the v5 publication and DTW in the coming weeks.

    @Olasunkanmi Olagoke as to your question you can use the fields directive, as described in the design guidelines TMF630, to limit the amount of data (payload size) that returns on GET.

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 6.  RE: TMF620 Product Catalog policy vs price-spec association

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Sep 14, 2023 03:56
    Edited by Matthieu Hattab Sep 14, 2023 05:19

    Hi Jonathan,

    I've observed and used this approach many times and all ecommerce engine, BSS or CRM I've analysed in RFP or used have this exact same approach.

    The OP's question was for a single dimension, so ProductSpecificationCharacteristicValueUse pattern seems the right way to do it.
    It's what the SID recommends too.

    For multiple dimensions or SKU pricing you mentioned in this post that this not possible neither in V4 or V5 and that you have already logged a CR to support it in V5.x

    I look forward to your alternative solution!
    See you next week.

    Kind regards,

    Matthieu Hattab
    Lyse Platform