I'm currently thinking how the TMF663 shopping cart API can be used to create a cart within our platform. - During this process, I'm struggling (also) with the way how a
return of an item should be handled.
Use case: A customer has bought an item some time ago - now gets back and wants to return the item. For the simple case where we only want to capture the
return itself - ignoring any reference to the original transaction - what's the best / correct way to define it in the API? - We are currently discussing the following ideas:
Option 1:Define the
cartItem.quantity=-1 (so negative quantity indicating a return)
Option 2: Based on some discussions also in this community regarding the
action (but still not quite sure about it)
cartItem.action=DELETE (or is there a better action).
Thanks for your ideas/better options and help!
Kind regards,
David Preindl