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  • 1.  TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 17, 2023 10:59

    Hi Community,

    We are currently implementing a set of TMF open APIs for wholesales connectivity. The issue I want to address here is linked to definition of GeographicSubAddress in TMF673 and how to manage the association of an API resource to a GeographicSubAddress using RelatedPlace(RefOrValue).

    Before formulating our issue more precisely and asking my question, let me state a few facts as defined in the TMF open APIs:
    * GeographicAddress has 0-n GeographicSubAddress
                    "geographicSubAddress": {
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                          "$ref": "./GeographicSubAddress.schema.json#/definitions/GeographicSubAddress"  
    * GeographicAddress is defined as a Place
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "../Common/Place.schema.json#/definitions/Place"
    * GeographicSubAddress is a managed entity on its own and is thus addressable, but it is NOT defined as a Place
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "../Common/Entity.schema.json#/definitions/Entity"

    The use case we have is to qualify technical availability at sub-address level for FTTH. 

    A Resource (TMF639) has a place property:
                    "place": {
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                            "$ref": "../Common/RelatedPlaceRefOrValue.schema.json#RelatedPlaceRefOrValue"

    But, as GeographicSubAddress is not defined as a Place, a Resource cannot reference to a sub address

    And, as GeographicSubAddress does not know its parent GeographicAddress, referring a resource to a sub-address is not sufficient - you also would need to refer to the parent address from the resource.

    This, we think that a valuable change to TMF673 would be:
    * Define GeographicSubAddress as allOf Place rather than Entity
    * add a parentGeographicAddress property to GeographicSubAddress as GeographicSubAddressRef - this would allow to refer any API resource to either a GeographicAddress or a GeographicSubAddress using RelatedPlace(RefOrValue).

    * allow a PlaceRefOrValue to be a GeographicSubAddressRef or GeographicSubAddress (extension of discriminator)

    What do you think? 

    Or maybe there is already a way to address the use case in the current definition that I missed?

    Looking forward to your answers.

    Best regards, Iwan

    Iwan Gramatikoff
    Edelweiss Service Consulting

  • 2.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 18, 2023 07:29

    Hi Iwan,

    I am currently working on FTTH addresses and agree with your suggestions:

    Define GeographicSubAddress as allOf Place rather than Entity

    According to SID GeographicSubAddress is indeed a Place and I agree that the model should be updated to reflect this.

    add a parentGeographicAddress property to GeographicSubAddress as GeographicAddressRef 

    Analogue to the best practise from Party and PartyRole: a PartyRole has engagedParty to point to the party. This property should even be mandatory in my view, you can't have a GeographicSubAddress without GeographicAddress.

    Modeling the reverse relationship via an the Array of GeographicSubAddress is cumbersome. 

    allow a PlaceRefOrValue to be a GeographicSubAddressRef or GeographicSubAddress (extension of discriminator)

    Abvious consequence of the above.

    The above change also allows a GeographicSite to link to either a GeographicAddress or a GeographicSubAddress.

    We are using the TMF674 GeographicSite entity to model the FTTH status for Building or a Unit: areaPlanned, notPlanned, underConstruction, homePassed, homeConnected, ...

    Also for this entity some improvements can be suggested:

    Add a siteSpecification property of type GeographicSiteSpecification

    This allows a classification of sites: Building, Unit (in a building), AntennaSite, Streetcabinet, ...

    Best Regards

    Koen Peeters
    OryxGateway FZ LLC

  • 3.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 18, 2023 08:53

    Thanks for our response Koen and god to hear from you ;)

    Your point on relating a GeographicSite to a GeographicSubAddress makes the suggested request for change even more relevant

    @Jonathan Goldberg: happy to post a Jira ticket if needed

    BR, Iwan

    Iwan Gramatikoff
    Edelweiss Service Consulting SàRL

  • 4.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 18, 2023 10:05

    According to me the GeographicSubAddress is to be interpreted as an optional part of the full address & would be insufficient to describe a place on its own.
    We have even more fundamental questions regarding the place object.
    For us the EU Inspire model is essential in our FTTH processes. In that context a place can be a building unit or potentially the building ( also depending if you consider a single house as a building with one building unit or not ). An address being the official one, a name or a postal box address is seen as a descriptor, a way to described/identify the place.
    We are looking into ways to use TMF673 to rather "point" to the building or building unit, using the address construction in TMF673.

    Peter Broucke
    Proximus SA

  • 5.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 18, 2023 13:09

    Happy to see this suggestion again - I already proposed that early this year, but my Jira task AP-4215 got rejected.

    Nevertheless, we still need a solution to state in which room/buidling/level a Resource or Product needs to be installed, so I suggest to adopt Iwan's proposal.

    And relating a SubAddress to a GeographicSite enables to locate a building (e.g. a mobile base station somewhere "in the middle of nowhere", i.e. not having an address) at a GeographicLocation, via the PlaceRefOrValue of the Site.

    Lutz Bettge
    Deutsche Telekom AG

  • 6.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Aug 18, 2023 14:36

    Hi Lutz,

    Good to hear from you too!

    I was not aware of the Jira Ticket

    I had a look into it... I must say that in my opinion, there is an inconsistency between the rejection argumentation and the current resource model of TMF673. Indeed, if the approach should be to resolve the uniqueness of sub addresses at address level saying that the address id uniquely defines each sub-address, then, as a consequence:

    • Address to sub-address should be 0..1 not 0..n
    • Sub-address should not be addressable (having its own id / href)
    • For each sub-address you need to define / represent at the interface, you have to "repeat" the representation of the (parent)address

    I personally still prefer the solution as you already described it in your ticket

    And I hope the API architecture team will pick up on the discussion to define a consistent solution.

    BR, Iwan

    Iwan Gramatikoff
    Edelweiss Service Consulting SàRL

  • 7.  RE: TMF673 Handling of GeographicSubAddress vs. RelatedPlace(RefOrValue)

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Oct 16, 2023 11:18
    Edited by Iwan Gramatikoff Oct 16, 2023 12:14

    Hi again,

    In our project team, we continued struggling with the topic described in my post above, until we stumbled over following section, on page 8 of the TMF673 v4.0.0 user guide:

    Some APIs, like Product Ordering, support providing a GeographicAddress as a polymorphic version of Place, per reference or per value. However, in the case there is a need to provide a specific GeographicSubAddress this cannot be done solely per reference, because the href mechanism doesn't allow this. In that case the GeographicAddress itself can be provided per reference, but the GeographicSubAddress (at least its id) has to be provided per value:

        "id": "7513180",
              "id": "3"
       "@type": "GeographicAddress" }


    So, I wanted to share this finding with other people who might have stumbled over the same problem.

    Now, even though this approach allows overcoming the problem of referencing an address with a sub-address, we are still disturbed by using GeographicAddress + GeographicSubAddress as Value to basically communicate GeographicAddress + GeographicSubAddress references.

    Thus, we came up with following proposal: as both GeographicAddress &  GeographicSubAddress are addressable, we could extend GeographicAddressRef with an optional GeographicSubAddressRef. Here below the extension highlighted in bold:

      "$schema": "",
      "$id": "GeographicAddressRef.schema.json",
      "title": "GeographicAddressRef",
      "definitions": {
        "GeographicAddressRef": {
          "$id": "#GeographicAddressRef",
          "description": "The place at which the change request has occurred.",
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "href": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The detail address of the location."
            "id": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The post code of an address."
             "geographicSubAddress": {
                 "$ref": "../Common/GeographicSubAddress.schema.json#GeographicSubAddressRef"
          "@referredType": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation."
          "allOf": [
              "$ref": "../Common/Entity.schema.json#Entity"

    Happy to hear about your thoughts and comments

    BR, Iwan


    Iwan Gramatikoff
    Edelweiss Service Consulting SàRL