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  • 1.  TMF679 Product Offering Qualification v5: Multiple Root Product Offerings

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Apr 18, 2023 07:27

    Hi everyone!

    I have (again) a question regarding the usage of TMF679 (Product Offering Qualification v5, early adopter): How would you model multiple root product offerngs in your query? Let's take a look at an example:

    Suppose we have the following product offerings:

    BPO_INTERNET (stand alone)
    SPO_OTT_1 (stand alone)
    SPO_OTT_2 (stand alone)

    And there is also a promotion PROM_1 for the SPO_INTERNET (-5€/month) if you also buy SPO_OTT_1 and SPO_OTT_2.

    If the customer now has the following cart:


    In the response of TMF679 - Query Product Offering Qualification - I would like to return the SPO_OTT_2 as qualified and the promotion PROM_1 as qualified if the customer picks SPO_OTT_2 (via relationships).

    Here is my question:  How do I send two product offerings as context in the request? I only have 1 searchCriteria (with one product offering), but two product offerings. How do I represent the bundle structure in the request?

    Stefan Zaufl
    IBM Corporation

  • 2.  RE: TMF679 Product Offering Qualification v5: Multiple Root Product Offerings

    TM Forum Member
    Posted Apr 18, 2023 08:34

    Perhaps @Bostjan Keber could help here?

    Jonathan Goldberg
    Amdocs Management Limited
    Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.

  • 3.  RE: TMF679 Product Offering Qualification v5: Multiple Root Product Offerings

    Posted May 09, 2023 03:27

    The user guide states that the client can provide a list of search criteria but the diagram appears to have a 0..1 association.. I imagine this is just a typo and needs to be fixed.

    "QueryProductOfferingQualification is used to perform a commercial eligibility. It allows client side to pass a list of criteria"

    Dan d'Albuquerque

  • 4.  RE: TMF679 Product Offering Qualification v5: Multiple Root Product Offerings

    TM Forum Member
    Posted May 09, 2023 09:43

    Great, that would solve my issue :)

    Stefan Zaufl
    IBM Corporation