This does appear to be a problem in the published OAS (swagger 3) file, also for ProductOffering and ProductOfferingPrice. As the API owner, I can only apologize. The intent was that these properties (lastUpdate and lifecycleStatus) must be present in output (response body in GET/PATCH/POST operations), but they should not be mandatory on input, and indeed lastUpdate shouldn't even be allowed on input.
I'll open a defect report - the workaround is to remove the two properties from the required elements.
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 04, 2024 04:35
From: Dragana Popovic
Subject: TMF 620 POST ProductSpecification Resource Mandatory Attributes
Hi all,
In TMF620 v.5, I can see in yam specification that for POST ProductSpecification, resources lastUpdate and lifecycleStatus are mandatory. But in document TMF620_Product_Catalog_conformance, under chapter ProductSpecification Resource Mandatory Attributes, it is stated that those 2 are mandatory in response, not in request:

I hope someone can help me with my confusion.
Dragana Popovic
Dragana Popovic