Hi Anu
To me, this looks like a defect. Tasks can be executed synchronously or asynchronously. An asynchronous task
must have persistence, and be retrievable by GET. But a synchronous task may or may not be persisted. And if not persisted, the immediate POST response (for success) will be HTTP status 200, with no ID or href.
Feel free to open a JIRA, since you have access to the project JIRA.
Jonathan Goldberg
Amdocs Management Limited
Any opinions and statements made by me on this forum are purely personal, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the TM Forum or my employer.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 17, 2022 01:50
From: Anu Aulakh
Subject: TMF645 Synchronous Response requirements
Hi Everyone,
When implementing queryServiceQualification or checkServiceQualification tasks from TMF645 v4, is it actually mandatory to provide the id+href of the task in the response message as per conformance profile?

Reason for asking is if the API provider does not choose to support the GET endpoint, they are still complying to the conformance profile, so why the need to make id+href mandatory?

Also, reading the TMF630 Guidelines v4.0.1 - Section 8.1, it states that for 'simple task' an ID "may" be returned:

Some guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!
cc: @Amita Giriya, @Radhika Desai, @Gordon Liang
Anu Aulakh
Telstra Corporation
My answer is my own & doesn't necessarily represent my company or the TMF